
The Video Exam Room

 Week of 11/9 - Business Questions were selected and Answered

November 15, 2020

BY Wm. Randy McKinley President/CEO The Company Doctors

7 Business Questions were selected and answered in The Company Doctors "Exam Room".

Bobby (Alabama) Question: 

"How do I calculate the breakeven to my business?"

Jim (South Dakota) Question:

"Can you explain Features and Benefits.  How do I use them to sell? I want to make sure I am using them the right way."

Sarah (Hamilton, Ontario) Question:

"I am a job shop and growing, but I am limited bringing on new business due to cash flow.  What do you recommend?  What's the best way to fund my growth?"

Steve (Kansas) Question:

"I was thinking of hiring another employee for the office.  How do I know if its a good decision or not.  Can you help me figure out how to make this decision?"

Anna (Texas) Question:

"I am a startup, thus how do I go about positioning our products, so we can market, but have limited money?"

Paul (Colorado) Question:

"I have been in business 5 years and we are a service business.  We have been trying to grow our business and have increased our marketing expense but haven't had an increase in our Business.  Why?  What should we do, Increase marketing expense or what?  What do you recommend?  I know we should be doing better."

Troy (Minnesota) Question:

"Can you explain Value and Non-Value and how to apply it to my business?"

If you have Business Questions, please email us at and we will be happy to provide a video response and take what is complicated and make it simple for you.

All Video responses are anonymous, thus we only share First Name, State, and remove the specific product or service.

If you are still struggling and can't solve your business issue - don't stress we have Global Virtual Business Care Available.

It costs less than a generic employee at 40 hrs!

No Results, You Don't Pay!

We are serious about helping all companies be successful - Large or Small!

Want to know more our Brochure is below.